Unexpected Hero: Retiree’s Trash Hunting Habit Unearths Key Evidence in Hunter Biden Trial!

Hunter Biden Trial

An unassuming retiree named Edward Banner became an unlikely star witness in the ongoing federal trial of Hunter Biden this week. The 80-year-old resident of Delaware found himself thrust into the national spotlight after his unusual hobby of rummaging through trash cans led him to a crucial piece of evidence – the gun at the center of the case.

Banner, a 40-year veteran of General Motors, has spent the past two decades collecting discarded aluminum cans and plastic bottles. He initially began the practice as an eco-friendly way to make some extra cash, but with recycling prices dropping, he now focuses solely on cans.

Hunter Biden Gun

However, in October 2018, Banner’s routine trash scouting took an unexpected turn. While sifting through the garbage outside a high-end shopping center in Greenville, he stumbled upon a discarded revolver. Unbeknownst to him, the firearm belonged to Hunter Biden, the son of the sitting president.

The gun’s disappearance had been reported earlier that day by Hallie Biden, Hunter’s former girlfriend and the widow of his deceased brother. When police arrived to investigate, they were faced with the unusual task of locating a man known for rummaging through upscale trash cans.

Luckily, Banner’s dedication to his hobby made him a recognizable figure in the area. Delaware State Police investigator Millard Greer, aware of the “trash-picking man,” quickly identified Banner and tracked him down at another shopping center.

Hunter Biden Evidence

Banner readily admitted to finding the gun and even led Greer to his home, where he had stashed it. A moment of confusion arose when Banner, locked out of his own house, frantically searched for a mysterious “lidless shoebox” Greer believed held the gun. It turned out Banner actually kept the firearm in an old General Motors lunchbox.

While both men agreed on the lunchbox, their recollections differed on one detail. Greer testified that the gun was wrapped in a sock, a claim Banner firmly denied. This minor discrepancy provided a rare moment of levity in the otherwise emotionally charged trial.

Delaware trash can gun

Hunter Biden’s defense attorney also questioned Banner about why he hadn’t reported the gun to the police. Banner simply stated it likely would have remained in the lunchbox for years. He readily surrendered the gun, along with a second firearm – a .25 caliber pistol – gifted to him decades ago by a co-worker.

Hunter Biden trial witness

The discovery of drug residue on a pouch containing the gun offered another wrinkle in the case. Prosecutors questioned Banner about any drug use in his household, to which he responded with a hearty laugh and a denial.

With his brief moment of fame over, Banner left the courthouse hand-in-hand with his wife, a testament to the ordinary citizen’s unexpected role in extraordinary events.

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